Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Killing the Giants

This past week our theme was "Killing the Giants," a week totally devoted to evangelism.  "Killing the Giants" refers to breaking past barriers that we normally come across when sharing the Gospel, such as the fear of initiating spiritual conversations with large groups, or the tendency to not share with certain races or ages, or sharing with a family member.  Basically, last week was about getting past anything that was in our way to share the Gospel.  We each set goals for ourselves for how many spiritual conversations we wanted to initiate and how many Gospel presentations we wanted to have.  As a project, we ended up starting over 2,000 conversations and over 1,000 Gospel presentations! 

It was amazing to see how much God worked last week, not only in getting the word out but also in how he helped us "kill our giants."  As a project we were determined to meet our goals; we pushed ourselves to step out of our comfort zones and stand face to face with our personal giants.  We even constructed a 7-foot tall giant to symbolize this and we ended up blowing it up at the end of the week ;)  This week really taught me how evangelism should be a part of our lives all the time, not only when we're in a different place or on a mission trip.  I've begun to see the unlimited number of opportunities I have every day to start up a spiritual conversation.  This week really motivated me to take the Gospel back to school with more of a heart for reaching students.

God also just showed me how much he is ALWAYS working-last night I was blown away to see how he answered numerous prayers.  First of all, the one thing that I wanted to see happen on project was for someone to come to Christ.  I told myself that even if there was only one person that I witnessed coming to Christ, project would be worth it.  Last night when witnessing to two high school boys, one of them (his name was Lewis) gave his life to Christ!! And I am praying that his friend, Jesse, would too. 

Another story is of Stephany, a single teenage mom that I talked to on Saturday.  She had a background in the church and claimed that she had given her life to Christ, but said she was really far from that lately.  She is really struggling right now with a lot of things in her life, so my friend and I talked to her about relying on God throughout her struggles and growing closer in her walk by living by the Holy Spirit.   We walked on after that conversation, not thinking it was anything special, but when my friend and I walked past them on our way back about an hour later, her grandparents called out to us.  They were sitting behind us when we talked to Stephany and were amazed that out of all the people we could've talked to, that we picked her.  They said that the night before they prayed that someone would come and reach out to Stephany; they told us over and over again how we were an answer to prayer, and how much it meant that we had shared with her!! That was last Saturday, and last night my project director shared with our whole group that later the grandma called down to the official Campus Crusade headquarters in Florida to try and track me down.  She explained the story of how a girl from North Myrtle Beach summer project had come and talk to her granddaughter and how much it had affected Stephany.   Campus Crusade then called my project director to find out my information so that they could talk to me again!!!  I am calling her tonight and hope that I can meet with them again; God is SO great and is working behind the scenes in people's hearts even when we don't see it.  I can't wait to see how he is going to work through this.  It has been an amazing encouragement of how a little conversation can lead to growth, healing, and salvation...  I encourage you to kill whatever giants are in your way and trust God to work as you plant the seeds of the Gospel in people's hearts.

1 comment:

  1. Wow Bethany, that is really exciting. God's timing is perfect, I'm so glad you were available to Him.
